Rules of Play


- Ringette is played on a standard ice rink and has a ringette line on the ice.
- There will be 5 skaters and a goalie on the ice.
- The object is to score goals in the net of your opponent
- A Ringette stick is used to pass, control and shoot an 8" hollow rubber ring between teammates

- Free-pass: play is started by a free-pass, similar to the start of a soccer game.  The player 'taking the free-pass' has FIVE seconds to pass the ring outside the circle to a teammate.  Any stoppage in play will result in a free-pass to restart the game, usually in the nearest free-pass circle; some defensive free-passes are replaced by a 'goaltender ring'

Blue line: rules restrict any one player from carrying the ring the full length of the ice.  The ring must be passed over each blue line to ANOTHER player.

Free-play (Ringette) lines: restricted areas in the deep offensive and defensive zones.  Each team is allowed up to three skaters at a time in each end.  If a team pulls their goaltender they can put an extra player into the zone.  When a team is serving two penalties at least one player from that team must remain outside of their defending zone.

- Goal crease:  no players (or sticks) are allowed in the goal crease at any time except the goalie.  If the goalie has possession, he/she has 5 seconds to distribute the ring out of the crease.  Failure to do so will result in a change of posession.

Penalties: there is no intentional contact allowed in Ringette, with all rules geared toward the safety of the players.  Most penalties are 2 minutes in length but some can warrant a 4 minute major if it is deemed intentional or particularly rough.

For a complete list of Ringette Canada rules, click here.

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