Power Skating Registration Now Open

Jan. 19, 2023

Hamilton Ringette is pleased to offer a power skating program during the second half of our 2022-23 season!

       The program, administered by N’ice Stix, is geared to athletes looking to improve and advance their skating skills. Power skating sessions will be held at Inch Park arena each Friday @ 8pm from February 3 to March 17, 2023.

Registration is now OPEN for the second half power skating program!

  • Space is limited. To secure your athlete’s spot, register now.
  • To register, send an email to powerskate@hamiltonringette.ca with the following info:
    • Athlete’s full name and Division (eg. U14).
    • Parent/Guardian’s full name, email, and phone number.
  • The cost of registration is $140 for 7 weeks of 1-hour sessions. Payment must be made in full prior to attending a session. Etransfers to be sent to: 
    ringettesharon@outlook.com (please note athlete’s name in comments section).
  • The program will start on February 4, 2023, and end on March 17, 2023. It will run every Friday @ 8pm at Inch Park Arena.
  • This is not a learn to skate program; a level of development will be required to take part. N’ice Stix will determine if an athlete is not sufficiently prepared to participate in the programming.
  • All participants are required to be registered in the 2022-23 ringette season.

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